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Raising the bar for mining dozers

With the world's largest production dozer, Komatsu meets Canadian mines' power, versatility, and sustainable operation requirements.

Originally published in Canadian Mining Journal

采矿推土机可能没有挖掘机和运输卡车的外形. Still, 它们对于缩小采矿工作流程中的差距至关重要,并且同样受制于可持续和高效的采矿需求. Komatsu has met this challenge with the D475A-8, currently the world's largest production dozer, which deploys a winning combination of power, efficiency, sustainability, and ergonomics.

该机器的许多最新功能都是由小松的工程团队和该公司最大的独立分销商通过持续改进过程开发和测试的, SMS Equipment of Acheson, Alberta. 这一过程为加拿大矿山提供了独特的机会,参与推土机的发展,以确保它满足其运营商的需求, 他们在世界上最艰苦的条件下工作.

“通过与SMS设备团队在该产品上的密切合作, 基于他们对加拿大矿业的深刻理解以及他们与加拿大矿业客户的持续对话,我们改进了它," says Noboru Kawabata, Product Support Manager at Komatsu America Corp. “这使得开发一款出色的产品成为可能, 我们有信心,通过继续这个循环, 我们将能够为客户提供更好的机器."

"I think this dozer is a real success story," says Chad Perreault, Mining Technical Specialist at SMS Equipment, "because it truly reflects 根据客户的意见生产出更好的产品. Many manufacturers talk about this, but in this case, we can point to specific features, 比如引擎盖上的门打开的方式,或者散热器风扇可以摆动出来,这样你就可以清洗散热器了. These, and many other features, 是由马克·海伍德发起的, SMS Equipment's Technical Support Manager, over a decade ago."

"The process," says Perreault, ,证明了小松对加拿大矿业的承诺, 是什么给设计师带来了最严峻的采矿挑战."

Improving workflow efficiency

采矿推土机通常在支持诸如挖掘之类的大批量过程中发挥关键作用, loading, and hauling. To meet this requirement, the D475A-8 有足够的规模和力量来处理最苛刻的任务吗. With 15% more power in reverse, the machine has faster ground speeds, 缩短周期时间,使生产效率比以前的型号提高10%. 它还可以处理各种刀片,以满足特定的物料处理特性.

The D475A-8 enables excavators, haul trucks, 通过匹配整个工作流程流程链的生产率要求,使其他设备更高效地运行.

Creating an operator-friendly environment

即使在最好的条件下,招聘操作员到加拿大偏远的矿山工作也是困难的. To help mines meet this challenge, 小松完全重新设计了D475A-8的驾驶室, 为操作人员提供舒适和高度复杂的控制环境. The cab has an entirely new heating, cooling, and ventilation system, making the cab quieter and better sealed for dust.

佩罗说:“这款车型具有出色的开箱即用的气候控制系统。. “它有很多通风口,它可以移动很多空气,驾驶室的压力非常好,非常安静."

A rear-view camera, high-resolution screens, 指尖控制也有助于提高安全性,减少操作人员的疲劳. "Fingertip control is a real bonus for operators," says Perreault, “因为如果你在斜坡或粗糙的地面上工作, 你可以抓住杆来稳定自己,而你操作控制和提供非常平稳的转向. So, this is something that they are pleased about.“启用刀片自动俯仰和开膛机自动返回功能也通过消除重复动作提高了操作员的体验, further reducing operator fatigue.

Perreault points out all these features result in less operator fatigue and reduced risk of operator error and accidents; they are complemented by new safety features such as better lighting and an optional power ladder to make it safer to climb into the cab in slippery conditions.



Many Canadian mines are in remote regions, D475A-8设计的关键方面有助于减轻这些担忧,使维护可能更具挑战性,并扩大设备停机的破坏性后果.

Durability is a significant part of this. 连杆结构采用单连杆设计,可减少叶片摆动和相应磨损73%, 将垫片调整点提高到一个位置. 耳轴尺寸增大16%,使用寿命更长. 其他改进包括轨道框架,均衡器杆和枢轴的变化.

改进的维修通道和更少的油脂点等细节使机器更容易维护, shortening maintenance-related downtime. SMS Equipment还与客户密切合作,提供远程和现场维护服务,并帮助客户制定维护计划,以降低总体拥有成本.

Relationships that matter

Relationships that matter

海伍德说:“客户很欣赏我们与小松的合作关系. "They recognize that to Komatsu, 我们不仅仅是一个经销商,而是一个合作伙伴,帮助他们更好地了解加拿大的采矿到他们的产品. 小松相信我们会建议修改,并将支持我们,因为我们的工作,以确定和满足客户的具体要求."

这表明,重型设备不仅仅关乎技术,还关乎建立正确的关系,以确保在正确的时间、正确的地点部署正确的技术. With the development of the D475A-8 mining dozer, 小松和SMS设备已经证明了这些关系的重要性.

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